The Direct Correlation Between Nutrition & Fitness
Is there a link between nutrition and fitness?
Is it possible that if there is a lack of focus on one, it directly affects the other?
Do you find that if you’re not working out, you’re more likely to derail your nutrition plan?
Or if you’re eating healthy, you’re more likely to workout and definitely see results sooner?
Here’s a picture of me on any given day if I’m not fully aware of the direct correlation between nutrition and fitness:
Here are the Three Most Likely Culprits to Derail Me at Any One Time:
A couple of days ago I tweaked a muscle in my back and I got my money’s worth and then some.
I would absolutely love to give some tall tale meat-head response of how I pulled this muscle lifting some impressive amount of weight (insert who could care less here)
Instead, the truth and reality is I was sore from a workout, turned quickly, and my 45-year-old body rebelled like a teenager being given a curfew. That was it. Done. No workouts for at least a week.
I live in the Chicago land area. Any given year, 4 -5 months are hibernation time to a local. Are we used to it? Absolutely. Do we like to get outside and exercise like the other 7-8 months? Fat chance (pun inserted for emphasis).
And like a bear coming out of hibernation (Chicago Bear that is), there is a price to pay for that long winter’s nap.
Not everyone has weather as an issue, but a good portion of the country could blame this seasonal struggle. And isn’t weather relative anyway?
Nothing beats the becoming physically better battle more than good old-fashioned laziness. Just look around. How long would it take to prove this theory?
You wish you could blame something or someone else but the truth is all of your energy is thinking of excuses and your workout stops there.
I find that after my injury heals and / or the weather improves, if I’ve been out of the routine long enough, my next foe is the battle of laziness.
Nutrition and Fitness have a direct correlation. One word:
Nothing motivates behavior more than results. If I’m working my abs and start to see another six-pack other than the one that caused the problem in the first place, I am all the more motivated due to the results.
The key is watching and waiting for it then leveraging it. Let me give you an example.
As mentioned earlier, I’m unable to workout at all for at least a week due to this injury. AND the weather has not broken yet in Chicago.
I VERY EASILY can just wait for both the injury and the weather to change my circumstances. Or…
I could prepare for it by paying CLOSE ATTENTION to my nutrition right now knowing that the injury will heal and the weather will improve soon.
Once I do, I’m in THAT much better of a position to take on FITNESS since my NUTRITION is in balance.
So, what is the moral of the story (besides don’t do drugs)?
You also know the direct correlation between FITNESS and NUTRITION in your own body.
The reality is both affect each other and if you can leverage one of them (for me, nutrition), I can directly affect the other one (fitness).
Closing Question:
What derails you in the areas of nutrition and fitness…?
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