How to Handle Tempting Food That Will Take You Down!
What is the one food or drink item in your house that could take you down in a moment’s notice?
Answering this question is a great start but requires some further action if you want to gain victory in your nutrition.
I absolutely love sweets, specifically dark chocolate. I also love an open bottle of wine.
But I want to gain control of my nutrition and reach my nutrition goals. Herein lies the problem.
Just last night there was open wine and sweets from a party as parting gifts for me to choose what do with. And do you know what happened…?
There are three steps to help you Handle Tempting Food That Will Take You Down:
Step 1 – Determine What Will Take You Down
Everyone one of us has that tempting food / drink that will be to our demise if we’re not careful. You know and chances are, those closest to you know as well.
If I’m on the road, the joke used to be to just tempt me with the dessert menu and everyone can jump on my bandwagon knowing with 100% certainty I would try and order one of everything.
This has since changed because my long term goal of nutrition is becoming stronger than my short term gain of the chocolate rush. (please change the subject!!!)
How will you know what it is for you?
Answer this question: what is the one thing that if it was in the house and you knew it would call you by name and whisper “take me down big boy?” And it will consume your thoughts before you consume its content!
So what will take you down? Sweets? Chips? Drink?
You must know EXACTLY what will take you down (if you don’t already) so you can begin to win this battle.
Step 2 – Know If You’re a TASTER or FINISHER
I’ve found there are two types of people with tempting food:
Taster – this person has a unique skill set. If they can only taste the forbidden fruit with a bite or two, they’re good. They’ve “got it out of their system” and temptation is no longer an issue.
Finisher – this person has a “seek and destroy” mentality. They want no casualties left behind and if they start, they’re compelled to complete their mission.
Now, if a taster cannot get that “quick hit”, they’re on a mission. Let’s just say this is my wife. (strictly for example and complete fiction as far as you know)
If Susan cannot find that quick hit of Trader Joe’s dark chocolate and can experience the crack of the chocolate on the side of her mouth and that first couple of moments of ecstasy (told you this was made up), my sweet wife goes dark (and I don’t mean chocolate) and it ain’t pretty. She’s not a happy camper. Can anyone relate?
Now, if a finisher has the food that will take him down (let’s say Susan’s husband for sake of example and guilty by association), that food will get hurt. And in record time. In sight – in mind.
But if the food (or open bottle of wine) is not around, it’s not that big of a deal. The temptation is out of the house and therefore not as strong. Out of sight – out of mind.
So, are you a Taster or Finisher? If you’re married, what is your spouse? You must know this answer.
Step 3 – Decide What To Do With It
Once you know WHAT IT IS, and WHO YOU ARE, now you must decide WHAT TO DO with the tempting food.
There are actual people who could have a half gallon of ice cream or a bag of cookies in their house and it could last an entire month. (If that’s you, I admire and completely do not understand you!). This is the Taster.
Their secret for the Taster is portion control. If they can just have a little bit, they’re good. But they need to stop at just “one taste” and not multiple tastes. (insert guilt trip here) So, they need to set the boundaries to accomplish this goal of just a taste or two.
But if you’re a Finisher, your best course of action is NOT bringing it into the house or ordering it. And IF / WHEN you do, you know exactly what will happen. Every single time. The only question left to answer is how long it will take for you to play the magician and make it disappear!
You must decide AHEAD of TIME what you’re going to do with the tempting food / drink.
Closing Challenge…
The secret is in two words: KNOW THYSELF.
How are you wired? Are you willing to answer the above questions honestly? I mean with brutal honesty? Because if you do, then you will know what to do next.
And then it’s a matter of taking care of your “bitness” to help you succeed in your nutrition goals.
Motivated, busy professionals can only reach their nutrition potential with making pre-decided choices that will help them gain victory in this difficult yet necessary area of nutrition. The ultimate goal is to always make the healthiest choice.
You can do this.
Closing Questions…
What’s your tempting food / drink?
Are you a Taster or Demolisher?
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