Do You Know the Hidden Power of a Nutritional Detox?
This is a guest post from Treva Yaccino. She’s the CEO & Lead Holistic Health Nutritionist of Living Tree Health and Wellness.
You can read, learn, and be coached by Treva at:
Treva is a team member and a regular contributor to Be Physically Better in the area of Nutrition.
Most of us just eat what we eat and never look back (although maybe down at the weight). We never consider what certain foods are doing to our energy let alone our digestive system.
If we like it, we eat it. If it’s convenient, we eat it. If we’re bored, we eat it.
Yet amazingly, food has the power to help your body regain, reboot, and rebuild your health AND the power to tear down your body leaving you feeling horrible and even worse in a state of disease.
One of the best ways to clean your system for the fall is to consider a detox. This allows your body to reset and heal in ways you don’t even realize.
Often we shy away from anything that is new and especially unknown. But this is for someone who wants to regain their energy and begin to look and feel better.
Here are some tips and tricks to help you lose those unwanted pounds through the power of food and show you other areas of your life you can add some goodness to for shedding some of that weight before the holidays hit!
Who wants even one of those nasty symptoms, yet I bet most of you have several that you are tired of. Let’s start simple by eliminating some foods that can cause our bodies to revolt and become toxic:
The above list may seen like quite the challenge. But what if you just tried to avoid or at least minimize some of these foods? You would be absolutely amazed what you find out about yourself and your body.
Does it require effort to change the way you not only eat but how you view nutrition? Absolutely! But most professionals admit that they do NOT look and feel the way they want to and know they NEED t0o make changes.
Here is the good news, the best thing you can do for yourself is ADD in good foods that can help with detoxing your body for weight loss. Don’t we all as humans look at the NO NO list and want to do the exact opposite? What if we changed that mindset to ADDING in foods and other things into our lives instead of taking away?
Here is a list of foods that can help your body detox. Try adding in a few of these every week, eventually, you may find that you make these an every day habit. Watch the changes in your body and how you feel. You will be surprised.
Additions are almost always good especially if they’re strategically replacing bad foods. We suggest slowly adding some of these power and energy sources into your daily nutrition routine.
It will be different at first but you must remember it’s worth it in the long run. Your nutrition is key to your health but we forget that as we allow unhealthy foods (and often food like) into our bodies then wonder why we feel the way we do.
Closing Challenge…
Many professionals are simply tired of looking and feeling lousy but have not reached the commitment point to really do anything about it.
But some have committed to reaching their physical potential and this starts with nutrition.
I challenge you to work through the list of foods to avoid and begin to minimize and hopefully remove them from your diet.
Then I challenge you to add the foods that will bring health to you.
Give it a try for a couple of weeks and see for yourself the difference that it makes in many areas of your life.
Closing Question…
Are you committed enough to make the changes you need to improve how you look and feel in your life right now?
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