Defining Be Personally Better
6 Descriptions of Someone who is Personally Weak
It’s possible that someone could be physically and even professionally better but still lacking in one crucial area of life.
The most ignored part of the average person is their sense of purpose and character. This area is rarely seen immediately but could absolutely implode your life. Let me explain.
I am passionate about this critical area because I’ve struggled being personally better in this area in the past and as a result of character decay, I deeply hurt others and myself.
It was a long road back but worth the effort. Yet ironically, could’ve been avoided altogether.
The final of the three key areas of Escaping Your Average and Embracing Better is the personal side of your life. Your heart = Your Inner World. Here is the symbol for Be Physically Better moving forward:
This is the area that is the most unseen and the most neglected. It’s usually exposed during crisis and to others in a moment of surprise. It begins with “did you hear about…” and “can you believe he did..?”
It’s also the area that is truly important but not urgent. You will not see dramatic changes if ignored for a day or a week but over time, can decay and become exposed. It is truly and ultimately who you are at the core.
So many successful people have imploded their lives because they’ve neglected this key area and the collateral damage was immeasurable and often un-repairable.
Jim Rohn once said, “There are two types of pain you will go through in life, the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” Which one are you?
Here are SIX Descriptions of Someone Weak in this Area of His or Her Life:
- Someone you may like but not really trust
- Inconsistent and changes with their surroundings
- Easily compromises their values
- Accomplishes something and feels empty
- Justifies their behavior and lives by “do as I say, not as I do”
- Cares more about their reputation than their character
Be Personally Better consists of two main categories. Each one is directly affected by the other and is the strongest when both are working together. And when done effectively, can provide exponential results. What are the two categories?
- Purpose
- Character
Every Friday I will be writing on one or the other of these critically important subjects. One Friday will be a purpose focus. The other Friday will be a character focus.
What Do We Want?
We want to live a life of purpose and on purpose but many have either not taken the time to truly think through their personal vision, mission and values for their life let alone write them down and live by them.
And most of us could truly grow in our character. We have weak areas that are either heading down a dangerous path or may be holding us back from becoming who we ultimately long to be in our lives. Or even others who need us to be in their lives (insert your spouse or kids here)
This area may be the most challenging of the three key areas of escaping average and embracing better.
My hope is you will be doing to do the difficult work required to truly grow in this area of your life.
Becoming personally better is no easy task. It takes self-reflection, being uncomfortable, and ultimately willing to make the necessary changes to excel in this area that only you can control. But it will be SO worth it in the long run.
[tweetthis remove_twitter_handles=”true” remove_url=”true” remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.” – Eckhart Tolle[/tweetthis]My hope for you if you’re willing to take the journey to excel in the areas only you can control, is that you will be willing to do the “heart work” which is the “hard work” in your life to truly grow at the deepest level.
I want nothing more for you than to escape YOUR average personally by living a life of purpose and developing a strong character.
Commit to doing the hard work needed to finding your purpose and developing a strong character.
Are you willing to do the inner work to become personally better no matter how difficult the process?
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