Are You Loyal? You May Be Surprised Compared To This…
I grew up with an older brother who was 15 years older than me. Normally due to the age gap, he would be out of the house for most of my early years. But my brother chose to stay around to take care of me since my parents traveled a lot for work.
I have vivid memories of Bruce always making my sports games. I could always rely on him taking time to throw the football or play basketball with me. He would take me to White Sox games to concerts. He always put me before himself.
I had a real life example of what loyalty looked like up close and personal for many years and it has continued decades later. Little did I know back then what an example he was setting for me for the rest of my life.
Loyalty defined is faithfulness or a devotion to a person or a cause.
Why? Because Loyalty asks something of you.
It can only be faked for a very short period of time. If it’s not a genuine character quality of you, it will be exposed instantly.
Here are Three Ways to Know If You’re Truly Loyal:
There are few people you can really depend on and I mean truly depend on. When someone is loyal to you, no matter what, you know you can rely on them to come through for you.
There is a trust that they will be there for you through thick and even thicker at a moment’s notice. They will always call you back. They will always help you move (great way to test a friendship). They will always be whatever you need in that moment.
This is the devotion aspect in the definition. Whether they agree with you or not, they’re devoted and you can depend on them to see you through.
This character quality is also proven over time. Someone can offer this incredible gift to you once in awhile but it’s not loyalty because it’s inconsistent.
Loyalty is something you can bank on every single time. You know they will come through even if absolutely no one else will. Why? Because they’ve done it before and will do it again.
My brother works as a laborer downtown Chicago. He’s more than double the age of the oldest laborer that works with him. Yet he’s always the first to arrive and the last to leave. As a result, he’s the most depended on and consistent worker in the company. No surprise there.
No matter his family or his co-workers, they see Bruce’s loyalty and it’s amazing. And rare.
There is one more aspect of loyalty that separates the men from the boys…
When someone is loyal, they’re not thinking about themselves at all. They choose to put their personal preferences aside to truly be there for you.
My brother would come home from work absolutely blasted but would always take time to play some sport with me. Why? Obligation? Nowhere close. Selflessness. It’s something I remember three decades later and so thankful for his investment and example in my life of loyalty.
You can see why this is such a rare character quality since our society is so self-absorbed. And as a result, finding someone loyal is an amazing gift.
A loyal person will think of you first and how it will affect you before thinking of themselves first and how it will affect them individually. What a difference in perspective.
Closing Challenge…
This is how Tony Dungy describes loyalty in his book, Mentor Leader:
“Loyalty, of course, is related to integrity and trustworthiness, but it’s also slightly different.
Loyalty involves being faithful to something or someone — a team, a mission, or an individual. Simply being trustworthy does not necessarily demonstrate loyalty. I could keep someones trust without caring for him or her.
Loyalty takes trustworthiness and integrity to another level. Loyalty develops depth in a relationship.”
Motivated, busy professionals often care more about getting things done then the person they’re ultimately becoming. This is why focusing on being personally better is so important.
And our character is always on display. We have daily choices to strengthen character quality especially those that can deepen a relationship.
I challenge you to look at this incredible character quality of loyalty. Do you need to grow in this area?
Is there someone in your life that has been a model that you need to let them know today how much you value and appreciate this quality in your life?
Guess who I need to thank… (picture of my brother and his wife)
Closing Question…
So, in light of re-defining loyalty, are you as loyal as you think you are…?
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