Welcome to the Elite Road Warrior Podcast Episode 070 show notes! This week on the podcast is discovering the three necessary actions to rest at home to prepare for being back on the road.
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What You Will Learn In This Episode:
- Action One – SLEEP
Key Phrase – Improve Then Increase
- Snoozby and the Great Big Bedtime Battle – Terry Cralle
- Three Suggestions
- Set a Consistent Bed Time and Stick to It!
- Create a Bed Time Routine
- Create an Ideal Sleep Environment
- DepSlepwear – Glenn Paradise
- BioStrap
- Develop strong sleep habits NOW so when you’re back on the road you’re not starting from scratch.
- Action Two – BREAKS
- Key Phrase – Move the Body Rest the Mind
- Create Break Blocks
Three types of breaks (ERW Book):
Micro Breaks (think seconds)
Mini Breaks (think minutes)
Macro Breaks (think chunks)
- Make the most of the situation and constantly adjust.
Action Three – DOWNTIME
Key Phrase – Time to Be NOT to Be On
- Four simple steps to make downtime happen:
Find 2 or 3 downtime activities
Get buy-in with your spouse or anyone else to help you guard that time
Maximize every moment of your own downtime
Respect and guard the other person’s downtime like it was your own
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