Welcome to the show notes for Episode 013 of the Elite Road Warrior Podcast! This week we introduce the 6th and final energy habit: CONNECT.

What You Will Learn In This Episode:
1:47 – Review of the 5 previous Energy Habits
2:50 – The Connect Energy Habit was one for me that I developed over time.
4:15 – Those at home only see highlights of your time on the road.
4:45 – They quickly grow weary of updates that only seemed to highlight their mundane life back home…
8:25 Often you can get your health back in order because that’s solely in your control. But your spouse, significant other, or kids, they can choose to never bounce and re-connect.
8:40 – Book and Assessment Promos
10:25 – The Three Mindset Shifts
15:47 – At some point on the road, we need to move from the Check-In Guy or Girl to the Connect-In Guy or Girl.
17:53 – The Three Critical Aspects of CONNECT
Respect may look more like asking and listening than impressing. Share on XKnowing when and how to involve those back home in your life on the road. Share on XThe obvious hard reality is the road limits us on how and when we reach out. Share on XResources for today’s episode:
Andy Stanley
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