Most of what we hear these days are what we have heard and been taught most of our lives, (with a few people who claim THEY HAVE that NEW, ONE answer for EVERYTHING,) but it seems like for some reason we FORGET about one particular topic quickly – eating healthy. And that’s before we even get on the road.
Unless we are very ill or extremely disciplined, we start our day with good intentions, something happens to throw us off, then… down the drain we go, grabbing whatever seems easy and quick.
Ten minutes after eating that packaged corn dog from the vending machine, we are slowed down to that carb coma, asking ourselves, WHY DID I JUST DO THAT?
And that is the beginning of feeling sluggish for the rest of the business trip.
I am probably not going to be giving you earth-shattering news about what four things will ruin your business trip, BUT if you take in just these few things and begin to implement them into your life, maybe you can have the energy you want to be the BETTER you!
Four Foods That Will Ruin Your Business Trip
No brainer? You are right. But why is it that we are still talking about it and struggling with it in our own world?
Because we can’t seem to get this issue licked yet! This would be the number one food that will ruin your trip.
If you want to start your day with sugar, you will find yourself more hungry throughout the day, a roller coaster of emotions and energy, and ultimately be finding yourself falling flat sometime throughout the day.
Two Tips…
- Instead of saying you will NOT eat sugar, start with a protein and veggie breakfast to help combat those cravings and help with that spur of the moment issue later on in the day.
- Drink lots of purified water throughout the day.
Sugar is in almost everything. It’s hard enough to monitor it at home but on the road? So do your best to minimize but preferably eliminate what you KNOW has sugar in. Give your road day a chance!
Another energy suck throughout the day is processed foods. They are high in sugar, virtually no nutrients, no fiber, usually high calorie, and act like a pure sugar giving us that need for the next high.
On the road, it’s so easy to just reach for something processed. It’s all around us, especially at the airport and gas station.
Two Tips…
- Take your time to pick out something that resembles fresh food at the airport, grocery store, or restaurant. It may take time to feel better if you are used to eating processed foods, but watch your natural energy return as you eat REAL food.
- You can still get packaged food with a minimal amount of processing. Which may mean to load up on nuts, seeds, fruit, protein bars, and the like BEFORE you travel.
Caffeine is not the enemy that some will tell you.
BUT, the average person consumes more than double the recommended amounts of caffeine that we should consume especially, coffee, and that is during the mornings alone!
Most caffeine can give you the same ups and downs that sugar does throughout the day.
And road warriors consume caffeine all day and evening. It’s our “go-to” for the afternoon meeting and often “just a splash” in our mixed drink later.
Sooo, what you say? You are sending your energy production, blood sugar, and cortisol up and down,
Which in turn contributes to BELLY FAT over time.
Two Tips…
- My favorite pick-me-up-go-to is MATCHA TEA! You can find this at almost any of the big coffee chains nowadays and in any store in powder packets ready to hot or cold water. This will not give you as much of a crash and has a TON of antioxidant support.
- If you are going to have coffee have half decaf and go without all the extra sugar. Try a little stevia for some sweetness.
I know this sounds redundant because again, you have heard it before, BUT when you start your day with a carb-heavy meal, even healthy ones, you will NOT feel your best the rest of the day.
Our bodies really need more protein in the AM and carbs in the later afternoon when our bodies are calling for more energy.
Two Tips…
- Start paying attention to what you’re putting in your system for food in the morning. Change starts with awareness.
- Whether you are intermittent fasting, keto, paleo, or fast food dieting (LOL), start your day off with MORE protein and fats and a very slim amount of carbs.
One Example
Eggs with turkey bacon, half of the avocado, with two tomato slices. Total time is about 10 min of prep. EASY! AND, this is always available on the road.
I always say, when you don’t have your health, you have NOTHING. These four suggestions are small changes that can make a big difference in the physiology of your energy, health, AND focus on your business travel.
Travel is stressful on our bodies. Even though our bodies are resilient, that excuse only stretches so far until the stresses of your world start to eat away at living your potential. Start small. It will help you make permanent changes.
About the Article Author…
Treva Thompson is a holistic health practitioner and a Functional diagnostic nutrition specialist working primarily with people who struggle with energy depletion, GI struggles, and autoimmune diseases through functional lab tests, food as medicine, targeted supplements, and lifestyle management.
This is a mouthful to say that she loves to help people get back to when they felt their BEST! She is passionate about watching people thrive in their lives!
She lives in Omaha, Nebraska with her new husband of six months (but high school and college sweetheart,) where they share seven children, two dogs, and a VERY crazy but fun life!
If you would like more information on how to start feeling better, reach out and we can have a complimentary consultation on how to get your energy back. I use a comprehensive approach through functional lab testing, nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle management.
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