Are You Following THIS Fitness Formula? Everyone likes to say “I workout”. It sounds impressive and something you’re suppose to do. But the reality is completely subjective and debatable. It’s more of saying the right things and wanting to fit in verbally claiming to do the right things. Yet how does this attitude […] Read More
Why I’m Questioning My Purpose Purpose is just such a big, subjective word and difficult to wrap your head around if you don’t feel you have it. So much of my life I’ve felt that way. What am I REALLY suppose to be doing with my life? I thought it was […] Read More
Change the Direction of Your Day By Doing This… One of the easiest parts of my day is usually the thing I either forget, put off, or just simply don’t do. I want to plan. I intend to plan. I actually enjoy planning. But it simply has not always happened in the past. […] Read More
Four Words That Could Change Your Nutrition Regrets The average person opens up the fridge or looks at the menu and says these four words: “what should I eat?” How does THAT usually end? It then leads to a downward spiral choice of another possible four words: What’s the easiest choice? What’s the […] Read More
Two Surprising Reasons You May Not Be As Grateful As You Think You Are How far does a thank you go with you? How do you feel when someone thanks you and you really sense how much it means to them? How much more likely are you to do it again? The […] Read More
3 Steps to Creating a Mobile Classroom What is the average person’s plan for personal growth? Apparently eating more food! Their growth is physical weight and seemingly nothing else. But is that personal growth? Is that the actual plan? Having no plan is a bad plan, Dr. Obvious. Sadly, most struggle in this area and […] Read More
3 Reasons Why You Must Have a Fitness Goal This Year I’m what you call a fitness junkie. I love to talk about it, read it, try new things, and have it as part of my routine. But there is one thing I had never done before last year. This one thing did more […] Read More
How The Principle of the Path Affects Your Purpose Have you ever been driving and not exactly sure of your final destination? What happens? You increase two un-needed and un-desired results: extra time and stress. Nothing is more frustrated than vague directions. Knowing where you are headed ahead of time makes all the difference […] Read More
How to Implement Think Space Without Thinking Do you realize how little the average person actually takes time to think? I don’t mean for a for a moment but for an extended period of time. How rare we say, “Let me think about that” and not only do we actually think about it, […] Read More
THREE KEYSTONE HABITS TO CREATING A NUTRITION MINDSET Nutrition. Just using that word changes the conversation. Have you ever been the one who orders something healthy at a restaurant and watched how everyone else responds? I continue to be surprised not only what people order for lunch or dinner but how they justify […] Read More