Welcome to episode 003 where we’ll discuss are you in the exhaustion cycle?
Here’s what is on this week’s Podcast…
So many of us are just plain tired and some completely exhausted physically, mentally, or emotionally or possibly all three!
Most people run at an unsustainable pace over a long period of time and find themselves in The Exhaustion Cycle.
If you’re interested in getting a free PDF copy of The Exhaustion Cycle, go to:
1:35 – Introduction to The Exhaustion Cycle
4:07 – Defining The Exhaustion Cycle
4:23 – PHASE ONE
Busy – Can’t Stop Now
This is the phase where it all begins. We get a rush being busy and often times it’s a sign of things happening.
5:11 – Busy can be good if…
5:38 – How are you when you’re busy?
6:34 – Key Takeaway – busy is not a sustainable pace
6:36 – Define Busy = little to no margin in our lives
Margin = time to breathe
Busy = I’m hurried
7:30 – My energy is dispersed (it’s all over the place and the opposite of focus
Busy, if not kept in check can very easily lead to the next phase…
8:02 – PHASE TWO
Beatdown – Can’t Take This
9:07 – Beatdown subtle feelings
10:02 – Beatdown = I’m stressed
10:13 – How people handle stress
11:50 – My energy is decreased
Burnout – Can’t Keep Going
12:34 – Burnout = I’m done
14:04 – Analogy of rubber vs glass priority balls
15:04 – Health is usually the first ball to drop
15:17 – My energy is depleted
15:30 – Symptoms of burnout
17:47 – Review of The Exhaustion Cycle
For a copy of The Exhaustion Cycle go to: www.EnergyEdgePodcast.com/ExhaustionCycle
18:42 – Closing Thoughts
19:10 – Remake of Psalm 23
Psalm 23 revisited
The clock is my dictator, I shall not rest.
It makes me lie down only when exhausted.
It leads me into deep depression, it hounds my soul.
It leads me in circles of frenzy for busyness sake.
Even though I run frantically from task to task,
I will never get it all done, for me “ideal” is with me.
Deadlines and my need for approval, they drive me.
They demand performance from me, beyond the limits of my schedule.
They anoint my head with migraines, my inbox overflows.
Surely busy, beatdown, and burnout shall follow me all the days of my life.
And I will dwell in the bonds of the exhaustion cycle forever.
-Living on Purpose by Tom and Christine Sine and altered in key places by Bryan Paul Buckley
20:30 – Actionable Items (What Now?)
1. Determine which PHASE you’re currently in the most right now – chances are one phase is more prominent to you than the other two.
2. Determine how effective your work and your life are when you live in The Exhaustion Cycle – you may be getting things done, but as effective as they could be? And what is it doing to you in the long run? And are you dropping any of the glass important balls you’re juggling right now?
22:28 – Next episode preview (004) interview with co-host Treva Yaccino to understand her backstory
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